About the company

LEONARDA-SERVICE Limited Liability Company was registered on January 28, 2005 in Moscow. The company has been a resident of the state-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow Technopark STROGINO since 2010.

LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC is an accredited company of the Moscow Government.

LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC is a manufacturer and developer of innovative medical devices and IT technologies (highs.tech). All products and technologies are patented.

The infrastructure for production is provided with the necessary conditions and equipment. To perform the work, qualified personnel are involved, corresponding to the degree of risk of the process being performed. We effectively use resources to improve the economic situation of the organization. Measures to improve processes are continuously carried out and their effectiveness is constantly monitored.

Medical products manufactured by LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC have been registered and tested according to the regulatory requirements for a specific type of product, and in addition, government studies confirming in practice the claimed innovative properties of medical products.

All manufactured products of LEONARD are included in the "List of innovative high-tech products and technologies of Moscow".

In 2006, a new category of medical products was created, patented and launched on the medical market — warming elastic bandages with camel hair, alpaca and Angora goat hair (Patent No. 2289643, Patent No. 2319800), RU No. FSR 2010/08307.

In 2011, the "Elastic antimicrobial medical bandage" was patented and marketed (Patent No. 2385166, Patent No. 97134), RU No. FSR 2011/11013.

In 2019, the "Elastic perforated medical bandage" was patented and put on the market (Patent No. 2674497, Patent of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) No. 035023), RU No.RZN 2019/9401.

LEONARDA medical devices have successfully passed a set of pilot tests under the Moscow program "Pilot testing of innovative solutions in an urban environment" on the basis of the OSP RGNCC FGAOU at the N. I. Pirogov RNIMU — the head scientific and clinical center of Gerontology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The recommendation is to scale an innovative solution in specialized institutions of the city of Moscow and provide citizens who are included in the social and medical support program of Moscow.

The products of LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC have been tested for the safety of using goods in an international global company. Intertek Consumer Goods GmbH, which is the world leader in the safety certification industry. A certificate for the safety of using FUTXP2018-04559-E–E1 has been received. Independent studies on the safety of LEONARD's medical devices were conducted at Intertek Germany (Hamburg).

Andrey Vladimirovich Rezvov, founder, owner and CEO of the innovative company LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC, is the author and patent holder of 34 patents of the Russian Federation and foreign patents. In 2019, Eurasian Patent 035023 "Elastic compression perforated bandage" was obtained. In 2022, United States Patent No: US 11,351,065 B2 was obtained.

Awards Moscow:

  • Certificate of Honor of the Moscow City Duma (Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of December 19, 2018, No. 129) — For services to the urban community.
  • Jubilee medal "Moscow City Duma for 25 years" (reg. Number 1031) 2019 (reg. number 1031).

Prizes at specialized events:

  • LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC is the winner of the International Pharmaceutical Award 2016 "Green Cross" in the category "Drug of the Year", nomination "Medical devices" - "LEONARD® medical compression bandages".
  • XIX Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "ARCHIMEDES-2016". GOLD MEDAL for the development of "Elastic antimicrobial medical bandage". Patent No. 2385166.
  • XXII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "ARCHIMEDES-2019". GOLD MEDAL. "Elastic compression perforated bandage". Patent No.2674497.


Postal and legal address: 8 Tvardovsky str., Moscow, 123458, Russia

Phone: +7 (495) 772 92 81

E-mail: leonarda-shop@mail.ru