Medical perforated bandage

Documents for download:

  1. About the company
  2. Patent No. 2674497
  3. Patent of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) No.035023
  4. U.S. Patent Application No: US 11,351,065 B2
  5. Registration Certificate of Roszdravnadzor No. RZN 2019/9401 dated December 19, 2019
  6. LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC: the list of innovative and high-tech products of the city of Moscow
  7. Report on the results of the pilot testing conducted at the Central Gerontological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  8. Conclusion of the Moscow Innovation Agency
  9. Diploma of the participant of the program "Pilot testing of innovative solutions"
  10. Diploma of the Archimedes Gold medal 2019 "LEONARDA's elastic perforated bandage"
  11. Additional information about the product/technology
  12. Russia-Africa Economic Forum, participation of LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC
  13. Andrey Slepnev, General Director of Russian Export Center JSC, talks about the participation of LEONARDA-SERVICE LLC in the Russia-Africa Economic Forum
  14. Репортаж телеканала «Россия 1» о инновационных перфорированных бинтах ЛЕОНАРДА

Видеорепортаж телеканала «Россия 1» в программе «Утро России». Эфир от 20.07.2020

Видеорепортаж телеканала «Россия 1» в программе «Утро России». Эфир от 22.06.2019